November 22, 2011

  • 11-22-11 

    Grant saw snow on trees, and called them Christmas trees.  Then he saw snow on a school bus, and said, “There’s winter on that school bus.”  I really liked that.

    Last night we were singing “Old McDonald had a school bus, oigy, oigy, oigy…”  and on his bus old McDonald had a prince.  And the prince went burp burp here, and burp burp there….  Grant is a funny kid. 

    For the record, Madeleine threw the worst tantrum ever on Saturday.  Oh man.  She didn’t want to go to a restaurant to watch the WSU football game.  She might have been scared, but I’m not sure.  But the screaming was soooo painful, literally.  Our poor ears!

    I’m busy playing Skyrim this week, so I’m not that interested in doing much else in my free time.  Though now I’m a co-author on the Mosaic Bricks blog, so I suppose I should post something! 


    Also.... regarding the previous post:  Minty hasn't had her party yet.  She keeps delaying it.  Last night Madeleine told me that she wanted the party to be at 12:30 today, but I said we'd be at Grandma's house, and did she want to have it earlier in the morning?  And Madeleine told me Sweethearts (another pony) was getting married in the morning.  I asked who she was going to marry, and she said she didn't know.  Maybe Blossom.  Then she told me that Blossom is Sweethearts' daddy.  So I said that you don't marry your daddy.   Then Madeleine said she just liked to call Blossom the daddy, but she wasn't really, or something like that.